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Colibris de Louisiane

Par isabelle • Photos • Vendredi 20/06/2008 • 0 commentaires  • Lu 3629 fois • Version imprimable

Voici des photos envoyées par Christine, prises en Louisiane :


Ce sont des "Hummingbird" (Lieza si tu nous lis...)
She has them eating right out of her hand...This is something I have never seen before, or ever even heard of. This woman lives in a Hummingbird fly zone. As they migrated through her area, about 20 of them were in her yard. She took a little red dish, filled it with sugar water,and took it out into her backyard. This is the result of that action on her part.
The woman is Abigail Alfano of Pine, Louisiana. She had been studying them daily and one morning put the cup from the feeder, with sugar-water in it, in the palm of her hand; as they had gotten used to her standing by the feeder they came over to her hand. She says in touching down on her hands they are as light as a feather. Abagail also said, 'if she had known her husband was taking pictures of her interactions with the hummingbirds she would have put on her makeup.' Who would have ever thought anyone could have ever done this in the first place. Amazing simple amazing...

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